יום ראשון, 19 ביולי 2009

NOTD - Wet n wild lavendar creme

זה התחיל כאהבה ממבט ראשון, עוד כשהלק עמד לו בשקט במעמד שלו (נרכש במבצע 2 ב-9.90 ב-H&O). זו היתה הפגישה הראשונה שלי עם לק של wet n wild והייתי סקרנית.
המריחות הראשונות הוציאו ממני קולות התפעלות שמזמן לא נשמעו כאן. אפילו קראתי לבת שלי, שכבר היתה במיטה, שתבוא לראות...
אחרי 2 שכבות (שנמרחו בקלות ובלי בעיות) כבר הייתי מאוהבת עד מעל לראש. איזה צבע נפלא!

לא כל כך הבנתי למה קוראים לו לבנדר - הוא יותר דומה לפוקסיה, עם תת גוון כחול בתוכו. חזק, יפה, נשי, קייצי - פשוט צבע נפלא.

אבל הייתי חייבת לקלקל. הייתי חייבת להרוס. לא יכולתי לראות צבע חלק, יפה ונקי בלי קישוטים וקישקושים ונצנוצים. הייתי צריכה את האקסטרה-בלינג, את ה"משהו" הנוסף.
אז החתמתי את הציפורניים. טעות. טעות גדולה.
זה גם נראה הרבה הרבה פחות טוב, וגם החותמות יצאו לי מזעזע!
אני שמה פה את התמונות בלי להתבייש, בלי להרכין ראש ולהסתתר. קודם כל כדי שתדעו שגם אני בן אדם, וגם אני עושה שטויות לפעמים... ובכלל - יהיו תמונות אלו תמרור אזהרה ושיעור לחיים: "פחות זה יותר" וגם "כל המוסיף - גורע".

בבקשה לא לרדת עלי יותר מדי... גם ככה זה לא קל...

my first ever Wet n wild nail polish was a love at first sight. I bought it on sale and loved the color even when it was still in the stand.
The first brush stroke made me gasp and call my little doughter from her bed just to see how wonderful the color is. after 2 coats (great application) it was perfect and I was in love.

But - I had to ruin it. I had to get that "Extra something", that "Extra bling". Big mistake.
the poor results are here, please don't judge me... it's hard enough... I tried to stamp it in white flowery design, and it all went really bad. I tried to save it with some silver dots - and it got even worst!
It's a lesson for life, I say. "more is less" is the right thing to say about all this catastrophic nail design.
I won't quit on stamping, but I think I'll practice a lot before you'll get to see it here... ;-)

זו הציפורן שיצאה הכי מוצלח, יחסית (דווקא ביד שמאל)
This is the "best" nail, in my left hand!

9 תגובות:

  1. I love this color! So Pretty on you!
    Wish you had a "Follower" thing so I could follow your blog! I love it!

  2. So... who cares if it's called "lavendar" and it's not... as long as it looks good :-)
    thanks for your comment. I love your blog as well :-)
    I couldn't find how to get this followers gadget. if you have any idea, I would be happy to know...

  3. love wet and wild polishes! they are great and a good value I think this nail art looks better than anything I've every done lol! Looking forward to more!

  4. Hello I just discovered your blog through Kae's blog. I'm also a stamping beginner who desperately needs to get better at it ^_^ I like your blog, it's so funny to discover polishes from other countries! Are you going to keep translating your posts from now on? I do it too but it takes quite a lot of time.

  5. Kitty - thanks! you made me smile

    chocaddict - thanks! I will go on with the translation, even though it's not easy, my English is not the best... maybe more translation will do some good to my english :-)
    I looked your blog and it's lovely!

  6. Thank you so much for writing in English! It's very sweet of you. I will keep reading your blog. It's really a pretty shade of pink. Looks really pretty on you. I think your flowers and dots look cute. Your doing better than I am. I haven't even attempted it yet. I to enjoy seeing polishes from other countries and reading blogs. I'm sorry it's harder and takes time to put in the English . I really love that you've done it. God Bless you for it.

  7. Lucy - thank you so much! your sweet comment, as well as other sweet comments I got, makes it worth the effort.
    (not that I'm suffering while writing - it's fun)

  8. I'm pretty sure if you just go to customize up at the top of you blog. And then click "Add a Gadget" . There will be a lot of things to choose from. Then just click on the one that lets people follow your blog. I'm almost positive that's where it is. I did mine so long ago I can't remember exactly where I went. LOL!

  9. Olivia - I did that and got the massage that this gadget is not available in all blogs :-(
    if anyone got other idea where to get it from, I'll be happy to know...


I'd love to hear what you think :-)